The KRBK 20K Big Bang is a traditional big bang in which writers must create a new, unpublished fic with a minimum word count of 20,000 words.
This bang is designed to encourage long-form works of fiction like the original big bangs. Authors will be paired with artists and betas, and teams will post their completed works in November. All participants must be 18 years of age or older to sign up. All KRBKKR content is allowed and the bang practices a pro-ship/pro-fiction policy.
Signups | General Bang Rules and Guidelines | Schedule | Creation Requirements
Check-In Requirements | Moderators | FAQs
Signups open March 15th and will run until April 5th for writers and August 30th for Artists and Betas. Writers may start working on their piece as soon as possible (it is encouraged) but may not share their ideas anywhere an artist or beta may see it. This includes general server channels, social media, other Discord servers, or bang channels that have artists and beta present (like the bang gen chat).
Why is the signup period for artists and betas so much longer than writers? Because writers will be required to complete 75% of their fic prior to summary submissions to officially move forward with the bang. This reduces drop rate and the likelihood of ghosting.
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All participants will be emailed a copy of their signup form for record keeping. If you can’t remember if you signed up, please check your email first. If you do not see a confirmation email, you can send a message in #bang-assistance
. If you haven’t already, please consider adding to your email contact list to prevent future emails from going to your spam folder.
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Works MUST BE your own original creation. Copying/tracing, plagiarizing, and generative AI will NOT be tolerated. Anyone found doing any of these things will be removed from the bang, kicked out of the server, and banned from all future events.
This bang is a traditional bang in which the writer submits a summary and artists and betas choose their favorite summaries to be paired with. Mods will then factor in the selections to match up teams. While we do our best to try and get everyone their first choice, we cannot guarantee it.
All content is allowed with no restrictions. The only requirements being that it is a KRBKKR-centric piece. This can be romantic OR platonic. Other ships are allowed as long as they are not the main focus.
For fairness and to ensure we have enough people for teams, pre-paired teams will not be allowed in this bang. We understand that it is fun to work with someone you are friends with, but we want to encourage getting to know new people and collaborate with them. Artists that are part of a pre-paired team would have a major advantage over artists that aren’t, as they would have months to work on their illustration vs the weeks that artists going through claims would have. For that reason also, pre-paired teams will not be accepted.