An aid for staying in touch with mentors, friends in other cities, and communities.
This Notion template is a simple "personal CRM", where depending on a "contact frequency tag" (semesterly, yearly, weekly, monthly), and a date of last contact, it surfaces the people I want to be contacting.
Just a little aid for memory and intentionality.
Change View to "to Chat" to filter out everyone except people who are "due" to chat
Contact Every?
if(prop("Contact Freq") == "Semesterly", 182, if(prop("Contact Freq") == "Yearly", 365, if(prop("Contact Freq") == "Quarterly", 90, if(prop("Contact Freq") == "Weekly", 7, if(prop("Contact Freq") == "Monthly", 30, 365)))))
empty(prop("LastContacted")) ? 1 : (toNumber(dateBetween(now(), prop("LastContacted"), "days")) - prop("Contact Every?"))