I put this page together for all my non-dev folks who want to give this script a shot and keep your bellies full!

Here's the step-by-step guide (this is only for Macbooks):

Initial Setup

  1. Open up Terminal by using Cmd + Space bar to open up spotlight search, and then type in "Terminal" and open it

  2. Check to confirm you have Python downloaded by typing in python --version:

    If you have python, it'll return the version number

    If you have python, it'll return the version number

    Note: Macs should come with Python 2.7, but in case you don't have Python 2, you can download the version for your Mac here, keep your Terminal window open

  3. Once you've got Python set up, you'll need to download some packages, run each of these in Terminal:

    import helium

    import time

    import json

    import requests

    import datetime

  4. Create a folder where you'll want to keep this script:

    I created a folder called "Stuff" within my Documents folder

    I created a folder called "Stuff" within my Documents folder

  5. Type in cd Documents/your-folder-name (assuming you also created your folder under Documents) and hit enter:

  6. You should then see that you're within the folder you created:

Setting Up the Script

  1. Leave your Terminal open, and head over to: https://github.com/anaqi/instacart-delivery-availability-check, on the right side, you'll see a Clone or download green button, click the dropdown and copy the URL that's there:

  2. Navigate back to your Terminal and type in git clone and paste the link you've copied, and hit enter, but keep your Terminal open after:

    This will download the script to the folder you created

  3. Once done, you can open up the folder you created, and you should find the script subfolder, open it up and complete the credentials_example.json file; the STORE_LIST can be filled in with all the stores you want notifications for, use the store URL reference in Instacart:

    ![Eg: for M&M Food Market, the STORE_LIST will be: "STORE_LIST": ["m-m-food-market"]](https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/f4b9408d-4a39-4d34-ac74-0e6c142b2a4c/Screen_Shot_2020-04-11_at_2.42.51_PM.png)

    Eg: for M&M Food Market, the STORE_LIST will be: "STORE_LIST": ["m-m-food-market"]

  4. You can sign up for Mailgun if you want to opt in for email notifications as well; but if you choose not to, you can leave the MAILGUN_API_KEY and MAILGUN_DOMAIN fields the way it is. If you're not using Mailgun, save this file (Cmd + S) and rename it to credentials.json

    If Using Mailgun

    If you choose to setup Mailgun, you'll need to sign up for account if you don't already have one, and fill in theMAILGUN_API_KEY and MAILGUN_DOMAIN fields. The Mailgun domain can be found in the Dashboard tab (on the left side):

    Copy this and paste it into the MAILGUN_DOMAIN field, then go click on the domain on Mailgun. Select "API" and then select "Python", and you will see your MAILGUN_API_KEY, copy this and fill out the field in your credentials document.

    Once done, save this file (Cmd + S) and rename it to credentials.json

  5. Navigate back to your Terminal, and now type cd instacart-delivery-availability-check, hit enter:

  6. Make sure your volume is turned on for your laptop, and then type python[check.py](<http://check.py>) and press enter. The script will keep running and will notify you when there is a delivery slot available!