Calo provides personalized meal plans for busy people through nutritional algorithms, built with love by chefs, nutritionists, and software engineers. π
Launched in Bahrain in 2019, we have since expanded to 6 countries (Bahrain π§π, KSA πΈπ¦, UAE π¦πͺ, Kuwait π°πΌ, Qatar πΆπ¦, and UK π¬π§), delivered millions of meals to our customers, and launched our very own Grab & Go Cafe concepts.
We're on a noble mission to make healthy easy. We think this is one of the most important problems to tackle in our world today. We have global ambitions - no small thinking here.
The story of how we started, where we are today, and where we're going in 2024
No better way to tell you about the Calo way, and who we are than the stories of our team in action
What to expect from the interview process, and tips for success
An in-depth look at our culture, and some of the unique elements that make Calo's environment what it is
Frequently asked questions by candidates