<aside> 💡 Tips for defending ft_services on a VM during COVID-19


If you are reading this article, you are probably planning to defend ft_services on a Xubuntu VM.

Spoiler: this won't be easy. But here are some tips that will help you.

1. Use Docker as a VM driver

First of all, on Linux you have to launch minikube through Docker:

minikube start --vm-driver=docker

2. Wait, Docker doesn't work?

And here's a surprise for you.

For some reason, by default, on 42's VM you can't run Docker without sudo.

And Minikube will not work if that's the case. So let's fix that!


sudo usermod -aG docker $(whoami);

Update: @cchenot recommends using $(whoami) instead of $USER (to avoid conflicts with 42 vim headers)

And then log out of the system. This will fix docker and minikube will be able to start.

3. CPU

If you try to run Minikube now, it will fail again. Your VM has to have at least 2 CPU cores available. It doesn’t by default, so go into Virtualbox settings and add another core to it.