talentdao.io/comp - survey link !
Thank you for participating in the DAO compensation and attitudes study!
Investigators: talentDAO, BanklessDAO
Details: We need your participation in a study about the human side of DAOs. DAOs must figure out the best ways to reward its contributors effectively and fairly to make sure contributors stay engaged and high-performing.
This survey is 20 questions long and will take 10-15 minutes to complete. The risks or discomforts are minimal to none, although you may feel uncomfortable when answering questions that seem personal. Your participation is voluntary and your feedback will be kept anonymous.
All responses will be reported in a summary format. If you have questions or concerns, please reach out to saulthorin@gmail.com. By responding to this survey you give permission to use your responses and understand that you may withdraw at any time.
Don't forget to file for your POAP claim! POAPs to be distributed upon close of survey.