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What Does a Content Submission on Enlight Look Like?

Here's the "Build a Neural Network in Python" tutorial, which showcases an ideal content submission according to our guidelines. For this case, the content is not important to understand. The idea is to show how to present the content.

Example Tutorial (Template)


You can create audience based upon what prior experience they should have. It is helpful to indicate this by tagging the difficulty of the project, the general topic it falls under, and the programming language(s) used.

Set dependencies. These would be prior tutorials the user should have completed before getting started with yours. Include the tutorials as they can be found on Enlight. If there are none, just leave them blank.


Generally speaking, your content will be divided up into modules (think of these like your main headings). Your main headings will be the name of the module, and the subheadings will be the pages of each section in your module. Check out this tutorial for reference

Your first module is the introduction. It ought to include the intuition behind the project, and the applications of it. This situates your project in context of the other projects.

Every module after that should include bite sized content and include mini-exercises for a user to complete (see example)

At the end of each module, provide a summary of progress so far.

Additionally, at the start of each module, provide a subheading for your first page directly under the main heading. This will be the title of the first page in your module.


In addition, we'd like for you to provide a working demo of your completed project. If it's a web development project, this is usually simple. Just paste a link to version of it working or something similar. For more data science/ML based projects, maybe do a screen recording of the model in action, and upload it to YouTube (unlisted if you like) and link to that. People love seeing what they can build and it's a huge motivator for them to complete your project!

Images and Links

For hosting images, we suggest uploading your workshop images (don't forget one for the cover on Enlight!) to the same GitHub repo you do the project in and follow markdown's syntax for writing them in: [text that is hyperlinked](<https://link> itself)


All tutorials are to be written in markdown.

Visuals are excellent educators; use them! Use # tags in markdown to define your modules and ## tags to talk about each topic inside them. Code blocks are great for inserting code, and toggles are nice to hide answers or long chunks of code away.