Oral Tren 500 is a form of the popular steriod Trenbolone which has been modified to become orally active.


Oral Tren Results, and Cycle info inside. 11 April 2011 One Comment. Oral Tren was newly Re Introduced threw Geneza Pharm also known as GP. ... i used 500mcg a day and this was my sweet spot. It brought me fast gains in a week and i was hooked, i new it was doing what i wanted and i busted my ass hard in the gym for the next 3 weeks.

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In my attempts to find a short oral cycle to gain some lean mass while dropping some bf I came accross Methyltrienolone (Oral Tren). I have had some experience with Tren in the past and loved its ability to put on quality mass and drop bf effectively on a reduced calorie diet. From my research of MT I was supprised at the lack of complete reviews and cycle logs, so I decided to start a log of ...

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