In 2019, Edgeware used the lockdrop to distribute EDG. If exchanges participating on behalf of users are counted, EDG will possibly be in the addresses of over 15 million different individuals across the world.
Moreover, the chain is currently in the process of going through its first network upgrade—including an EVM pallet among other key changes. There are more changes in the pipeline for this year —bridges to other ecosystems and becoming a parachain. These public goods are directly supported by grants from the Edgeware Treasury.
Yet, we need to solve real use cases so that the ecosystem can continue to grow.
(Please note the legal disclaimer at the end of this paper)
I'm proposing BuilDAO, a community-run investment DAO. BuilDAO's purpose is to help developers launch new token projects in the Edgeware and Polkadot Ecosystem. BuilDAO will look to fund in 10 projects approximately ~$50-100k in each deal over the course of the next year.
Projects across the world can apply to be funded by BuilDAO. BuilDAO would fund projects at the earliest stage. Projects can come with just an idea and work with BuilDAO mentors and community members to launch their protocol chain or token. There is expected to be a fixed number of 100000 voting shares in BuilDAO, and BuilDAO share holders will all vote on potential projects and participate in the economic rewards from the newly created token projects. All of this is expected to be backed by a legally-linked DAO like the LAO or Metacartel Ventures.
There will be a fixed number of 100000 shares in BuilDAO.
Experts, scouts, funders, and summoners will vote in choosing projects that are accepted as BuilDAO investments.
BuilDAO will likely initially be funded from two chains, Edgeware and Polkadot: