- 🥇 1st place: BC for 3 months, Discord role "Tournament Champion"
- 🥈 2nd place: BC for 2 month
- 🥉 3rd place: BC for 1 month
Tournament Format
- 32 players from Discord (must have at least 1k points before joining)
- exceptions may be made if there are not enough players
- Timezones: Americas (UTC -3 to -9)
- If you are not in these timezones, you will NOT be able to participate in this tournament. Keep an eye out for other tournaments soon! There will be many more bigger ones in the future! (With gift card prizes!)
- Best-of-five series for each round
- At the beginning of each round the players will simultaneously ban one ship
Gameplay Rules
- Each round of the tournament will be given three days to complete
- Otherwise, the winner will be decided by who has the most wins between the two players.
- If they have the same amount of wins, winner will be decided by a coin toss by the tournament organizers.
- Each player will pick one ship to ban for the other player:
- Steps to ban ship:
- First, when the two players both wish to begin their match, ping the role "Tournament Admin" and ask for someone to manage your ship bans
- When an organizer agrees, each player should DM them their ban.
- After each player has picked a ban, the organizer will send which player banned which ship in the chat.
- Battles will be intense. All five should be played in the same session (if this is not possible please let an organizer know)
- If a player accidentally picks a banned ship and realizes it during setup, they may tell the other player they would like to restart due to unintentionally choosing a banned ship, and the two players will redo that game. This may only occur ONCE per round.
- If a player picks a banned ship but uses it in a match, they automatically forfeit that match, even if it was accidental.
- For each round, please record the following information and send it in #tournaments or DM it to a tournament organizer:
- Screenshots of the finish of each battle
- the match ID or battle link of each battle
- the score of the overall round (e.g. 3-2)
- You will use the Discord Bot "Tourney Bot" to record the round results in #score-matches
If you have any questions about the rules, feel free to ask "Bob th Bob th#1254" or another organizer!