There will be probably 2 types of battle
- Quick auto-battle
- Manual PvP battle
To start a battle you should select 1 monster, 4 zombies and up to 3 mods from your inventory. You approve that you ready to start a battle (it is PvP game and you can wait enemy some time).
When round starts you will see battle arena. The main goal of the game is to kill the enemy Monster (like a king in chess).
- game is limited to 120 moves
- for each move the player will have up to 30 seconds.
- If a player misses 3 moves - he loose it.
- Each turn, you can choose any of your zombie or monster to make an action or use mods. In the left corner you can see a total health for all your zombies and monster, also on the each card will be individual health indicator.
Rendering (draft)

Zombie and Monster Characteristics:
- Attack. Value 1-50 for zombie and 10-500 for monster.
- Health. Value 1-25 for zombie and 10-250 for monster.
- Speed. Value 1-2 (you can walk on 1 or 2 cells based on this value).
Monster always have speed = 1.
- Intelligence. Value 1-25 for zombie and 10-250 for monster.
Affects game random events:
Game mods:
- Bomb. You choose one cell and the nearest zombies (your and your opponent) get random damage (10-50 on the same cell and 1-9 for nearest).