Hi folks! Here's everything you might want to know about the Team Profiles we create here at Before You Apply.

Why spill our guts? Frankly, we can't stand it when companies hide information behind salespeople—so we're going to treat you like we'd like to be treated. We're looking forward to the potential of working together :)

☎️ Rather talk to a human? Use this scheduling link to chat with our co-founder, Nate (LinkedIn).

Ah yes, email works too: nate@beforeyouapply.com

What you're here for: Get a team profile and get 2–3X better response rates when you email passive candidates.

Team Profiles give candidates what they want: inside information about your team that they can't find anywhere else. They're what we wish existed the last time we looked for work.

Examples: engineering team, sales team, market research team.

Profiles are pages that live on beforeyouapply.com. But unlike a Glassdoor or Muse page, profiles are most useful for recruiting senior-level passive candidates.

Instructions: include a link to your team profile in your outbound emails and messages. Among our early customers, recruiters are seeing candidate response rates jump 2–3X, effectively doubling their candidate pools.

Team profiles are small but mighty: a single magic link that we can deliver to you in two weeks, at a price ($5K) that you can fit on a credit card.

9 reasons to get one

Make the case to your CFO

Customer testimonials

Additional use cases

How we make a Team Profile



Ta da! That's it. Next step: Schedule a sales call with Nate using this scheduling link.