Empowering Innovators, Creators, and Leaders in AI

Speakers & Educators:
Present at conferences, meetups, or webinars
- Prior experience of speaking at conferences/meetups
- Technical/business expertise
- Dedicated speech, conference: Up to 1000$
- A meetup: Up to 400$
- Dedicated webinar: Up to 200$
How to Apply:
Fill in a questionnaire, or book a call with the team

Content Creators:
Produce videos, articles, podcasts or creative designs
- Prior experience in making viral content, writing for big journals, or doing dope designs
- Sufficient expertise in your field
- Dedicated speech, conference: Up to 1000$
- A meetup: Up to 400$
- Dedicated webinar: Up to 200$
How to Apply:
Fill in a questionnaire, or book a call with the team

Open-Source Innovators:
Develop impactful projects using our API, or integrate with existing opensource repos
- Some developer experience (at least Junior+)
- A big repo with >5K stars: Up to 500$
- A medium repo >1K stars: Up to 300$
- Small project <1K stars: Up to 100$
How to Apply:
Fill in a questionnaire, or book a call with the team

Hackathon Heroes:
Lead teams in AI-focused hackathons
- Proof of participation in hackathons previously
- Promocodes for free access for your team
- Free swag (shirts/thermoses/stickers) if you win in a hack with 1000+ users or some hardcore invitational
How to Apply:
Fill in a questionnaire, or tag @_.okti in our Discord with a request for hackathon promos

Community Mentors:
Guide and support fellow developers on Discord
- Be a chill guy
- have dev experience
- Token rewards for user support
- Chat with the AI/ML API team
How to Apply:
Fill in a questionnaire, or book a call with the team

Bug Bounty Hunters:
Help improve our API's security and reliability
- prior experience of speaking at conferences/meetups
- technical/bussiness expertise
- Critical Vulnerabilities: Up to $500
- High Severity Issues: Up to $200
- Medium Severity Issues: Up to $100
- Low Severity Issues: Up to $20
How to Apply:
Fill in a questionnaire, or book a call with the team

Tech Writing Champions:
Write tutorials, articles and usecases for us
- prior tech writing experience or prior development experience
- Up to $100 for a tutorial
- Up to $150 for a usecase
How to Apply:
Fill in a questionnaire, or book a call with the team