We think it makes sense to be informed. Knowledge is power. With this page we want to inform you about all the things that are important when you are invested in #AMC.

We can not guarantee the correctness of all informations, but we guarantee that we have compiled all information to the best of our knowledge and belief.

This sheet is dynamic and will be updated and / or extended again and again.

For all the new apes out there: ( small summary whats going on )

@thx to Billy for sharing the text πŸ‘πŸ»

@thx to @stockretail for the visualization πŸ‘πŸ»

πŸ’‘Notice: All informations are collected in different sources. Like / great DDs on / Websites / Tweets / Comments / Discussions / etc. - we tried to a get the most valued and honest informations for you together. But please made everytime your own DD. No financial advise.

Squeeze Simulator incl. individual Share Counter and Profit Overview.

AMC Squeeze Simulator