The do operator iterates over a block of code until a conditional query equals false. The do-while loop can also be interrupted by a [goto](<>), [return](<>), [break](<>) or throw statement.

The syntax for the do keyword is:

do { code block; } while( condition );


int i = 0;

    Console.WriteLine("Do is on loop number {0}.", i);
} while (i++ < 5);


“Do is on loop number 1.” “Do is on loop number 2.“ “Do is on loop number 3.“ “Do is on loop number 4.“ “Do is on loop number 5.”

Unlike the [while](<>) loop, the do-while loop is Exit Controlled. This means that the do-while loop would execute its statements at least once, even if the condition fails the first time.

bool a = false;

    Console.WriteLine("This will be printed once, even if a is false.");
} while (a == true);