Java 8 Stream Equivalents

Accumulate names in a List

Collect example 5 - find people of legal age output formatted string

Collect example 6 - group people by age print age and names together

Counting items in a list after filter is applied

Different Kinds of Streams 7 - lazily iterate Doubles map to Int map to String print each

Different Kinds of Streams 3 - iterate a range of Integers

Names of male members

Group names of members in roster by gender

Filter a list to another list

Finding shortest string a list

Different Kinds of Streams 2 - lazily using first item if exists

Partition students into passing and failing

Different Kinds of Streams 4 - iterate an array map the values calculate the average

Different Kinds of Streams 5 - lazily iterate a list of strings map the values convert to Int find max

Different Kinds of Streams 6 - lazily iterate a stream of Ints map the values print results

Compute sum of salaries by department

Group employees by department

How streams work - filter upper case then sort a list

Different Kinds of Streams 1 - eager using first item if it exists