SimpleXML is a powerful library which converts XML strings to an easy to use PHP object.

The following assumes an XML structure as below.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
        <bookName>StackOverflow SimpleXML Example</bookName>
        <bookAuthor>PHP Programmer</bookAuthor>
        <bookName>Another SimpleXML Example</bookName>
        <bookAuthor>Stack Overflow Community</bookAuthor>
        <bookAuthor>PHP Programmer</bookAuthor>

Read our data in to SimpleXML

To get started, we need to read our data into SimpleXML. We can do this in 3 different ways. Firstly, we can load our data from a DOM node.

$xmlElement = simplexml_import_dom($domNode);

Our next option is to load our data from an XML file.

$xmlElement = simplexml_load_file($filename);

Lastly, we can load our data from a variable.

$xmlString = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
        <bookName>StackOverflow SimpleXML Example</bookName>
        <bookAuthor>PHP Programmer</bookAuthor>
        <bookName>Another SimpleXML Example</bookName>
        <bookAuthor>Stack Overflow Community</bookAuthor>
        <bookAuthor>PHP Programmer</bookAuthor>
$xmlElement = simplexml_load_string($xmlString);

Whether you’ve picked to load from a DOM Element, from a file or from a string, you are now left with a SimpleXMLElement variable called $xmlElement. Now, we can start to make use of our XML in PHP.

Accessing our SimpleXML Data

The simplest way to access data in our SimpleXMLElement object is to call the properties directly. If we want to access our first bookName, StackOverflow SimpleXML Example, then we can access it as per below.

echo $xmlElement->book->bookName;

At this point, SimpleXML will assume that because we have not told it explicitly which book we want, that we want the first one. However, if we decide that we do not want the first one, rather that we want Another SimpleXML Example, then we can access it as per below.

echo $xmlElement->book[1]->bookName;

It is worth noting that using [0] works the same as not using it, so


works the same as
