Suppose the following generic interface has been declared:

public interface MyGenericInterface<T> {
    public void foo(T t);

Below are listed the possible ways to implement it.

Non-generic class implementation with a specific type

Choose a specific type to replace the formal type parameter <T> of MyGenericClass and implement it, as the following example does:

public class NonGenericClass implements MyGenericInterface<String> {
    public void foo(String t) { } // type T has been replaced by String

This class only deals with String, and this means that using MyGenericInterface with different parameters (e.g. Integer, Object etc.) won’t compile, as the following snippet shows:

NonGenericClass myClass = new NonGenericClass();"foo_string"); // OK, legal; // NOT OK, does not compile Object()); // NOT OK, does not compile

Generic class implementation

Declare another generic interface with the formal type parameter <T> which implements MyGenericInterface, as follows:

public class MyGenericSubclass<T> implements MyGenericInterface<T> {
    public void foo(T t) { } // type T is still the same
    // other methods...

Note that a different formal type parameter may have been used, as follows:

public class MyGenericSubclass<U> implements MyGenericInterface<U> { // equivalent to the previous declaration
    public void foo(U t) { }
    // other methods...

Raw type class implementation

Declare a non-generic class which implements MyGenericInteface as a raw type (not using generic at all), as follows:

public class MyGenericSubclass implements MyGenericInterface {
    public void foo(Object t) { } // type T has been replaced by Object
    // other possible methods

This way is not recommended, since it is not 100% safe at runtime because it mixes up raw type (of the subclass) with generics (of the interface) and it is also confusing. Modern Java compilers will raise a warning with this kind of implementation, nevertheless the code - for compatibility reasons with older JVM (1.4 or earlier) - will compile.