The typeof operator returns the data type of the un-evaluated operand as a string.


typeof operand


These are the possible return values from typeof:

Untitled Database

The unusual behavior of document.all with the typeof operator is from its former usage to detect legacy browsers. For more information, see


// returns 'number'
typeof 3.14;
typeof Infinity;
typeof NaN;               // "Not-a-Number" is a "number"

// returns 'string'
typeof "";
typeof "bla";
typeof (typeof 1);        // typeof always returns a string

// returns 'boolean'
typeof true;
typeof false;

// returns 'undefined'
typeof undefined;
typeof declaredButUndefinedVariable;
typeof undeclaredVariable;
typeof void 0;
typeof document.all       // see above

// returns 'function'
typeof function(){};
typeof class C {};
typeof Math.sin;

// returns 'object'
typeof { /*<...>*/ };
typeof null;
typeof /regex/;           // This is also considered an object
typeof [1, 2, 4];         // use Array.isArray or
typeof new Date();
typeof new RegExp();
typeof new Boolean(true); // Don't use!
typeof new Number(1);     // Don't use!
typeof new String("abc"); // Don't use!

// returns 'symbol'
typeof Symbol();
typeof Symbol.iterator;