◆ Intro (서론)

리그오브레전드 경기기록이 승패에 얼만큼 영향을 미치는 지에 대한 주제로, 게임 승패에 상관성이 있는 변수들을 통해 “과연 게임을 승리하기 위해선 어떤 변수가 가장 큰 영향을 미칠까?” 에 대한 분석을 진행하려 합니다.

◆ Dataset

총 변수 23개

gameId Unique RIOT ID of the game. Can be used with the Riot Games API.
blueWins The target column. 1 if the blue team has won, 0 otherwise.
blueWardsPlaced Number of warding totems placed by the blue team on the map
blueWardsDestroyed Number of enemy warding totems the blue team has destroyed
blueFirstBlood First kill of the game. 1 if the blue team did the first kill, 0 otherwise
blueKills Number of enemies killed by the blue team
blueAssists Number of assist by the blue team
blueDragons Number of dragons killed by the blue team
blueHeralds Kill Heralds of the game 1 if the blue team did, 0 otherwise
blueTowerDestroyed Tower destroyed of the game 1, 0 otherwise
blueTotalGold Total Gold of the game by the blue team
blueCSPerMin CS per min of the game by the blue team

*레드팀 변수 동일

<aside> 💡 링크 : https://datasetsearch.research.google.com/search?src=3&query=league of legends&docid=L2cvMTFqbnpneXM3OQ%3D%3D


◆ Analysis in HEARTCOUNT

◆ Insight (Optional)