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<aside> ✂️ Episode Title: 4. Avoid the Blame Game with Chris Boehlke and Isaac Ware
“If nobody's willing to take ownership of their piece in it, everybody will get on the defensive as to why it should have worked. And it's always the other person's fault.” - Chris Boehlke, Vice President of Business Development at Bear Fox Marketing
When the blame game is baked into an organization's culture, revenue alignment is simply impossible. Assigning blame when key targets aren’t met is toxic, yet that’s often the default for companies.
Creating a culture of trust is both imperative and difficult. And rapid growth can quickly erode alignment across teams.
Full-service agency Bear Fox Marketing is a case study in successfully navigating rapid growth and revenue alignment through extreme ownership.
Chris Boehlke, Vice President of Business Development at Bear Fox Marketing and Isaac Ware, Former Director of Paid Media, discuss how to establish a culture of trust and transparency.
Key Takeaways:
Things to listen for: [01:32] Chris: “It was a privilege in a sense, getting leads that I didn't have to earn myself. So, initially, it was rainbows and butterflies for these leads. But as I got to know Isaac more, he really wanted to know about the quality and really cared about improving that. Through that evolution month after month after month, we built a strong relationship and we really were able to develop a stronger pipeline of leads and, and be more efficient with our marketing spend, which is the ultimate goal.”
[05:11] Chris: “I came on and said, okay, this is what the current processes are, which are good, but how can I streamline things so that I can be most efficient? And for me, it was more taking pride in getting generated leads. I don't want to miss these shots, right? So if I don't close the deal, what did I not do? What can I do better by listening to phone calls, listening to myself after the call is over and really trying to fine-tune the process.
[06:49] Isaac: “We were really kind of bootstrapping. No investor money or anything like that. So everything was cash-flow positive all the time. So some of these expensive tools weren't at his disposal. The spreadsheets he built out were ridiculous. Being able to predict down within a couple percent of every single month, we get this many leads, this many are going to close. It was cool seeing that process.”
[11:11] Chris: “We started closing too many deals and we saw a lot of stress and a lot of overload from our account managers, our tech team, because we were closing clients at a pretty quick pace. And I think without knowing it, I think there was a little frustration. ed. It was almost like a deal would close and it wasn't that exciting.”
[16:27] Isaac: “I became a better marketer once I started hopping on calls with him and seeing what people's pain points were. Actually listening to the customer before they closed. I think the relationship with sales is a lot different than the relationship with the end product or end service. I think it's a lot more delicate after the close too, because that's the point where all the expectations that they've built up with sales come into play.”
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