Prefix bitwise operators

Bitwise operators are like logical operators but executed per bit rather than per boolean value.

// bitwise NOT ~: sets all unset bits and unsets all set bits
printf("%'06b", ~0b110110); // 001001

Bitmask-bitmask operators

Bitwise AND &: a bit is set only if it is set in both operands

printf("%'06b", 0b110101 & 0b011001); // 010001

Bitwise OR |: a bit is set if it is set in either or both operands

printf("%'06b", 0b110101 | 0b011001); // 111101

Bitwise XOR ^: a bit is set if it is set in one operand and not set in another operand, i.e. only if that bit is in different state in the two operands

printf("%'06b", 0b110101 ^ 0b011001); // 101100

Example uses of bitmasks

These operators can be used to manipulate bitmasks. For example:

file_put_contents("file.log", LOCK_EX | FILE_APPEND);

Here, the | operator is used to combine the two bitmasks. Although \\+ has the same effect, | emphasizes that you are combining bitmasks, not adding two normal scalar integers.

class Foo{
    const OPTION_A = 1;
    const OPTION_B = 2;
    const OPTION_C = 4;
    const OPTION_A = 8;

    private $options = self::OPTION_A | self::OPTION_C;

    public function toggleOption(int $option){
        $this->options ^= $option;

    public function enable(int $option){
        $this->options |= $option; // enable $option regardless of its original state

    public function disable(int $option){
        $this->options &= ~$option; // disable $option regardless of its original state,
                                    // without affecting other bits

    /** returns whether at least one of the options is enabled */
    public function isOneEnabled(int $options) : bool{
        return $this->options & $option !== 0;
        // Use !== rather than >, because 
        // if $options is about a high bit, we may be handling a negative integer

    /** returns whether all of the options are enabled */
    public function areAllEnabled(int $options) : bool{
        return ($this->options & $options) === $options;
        // note the parentheses; beware the operator precedence

This example (assuming $option always only contain one bit) uses: