cleanUrl: "rosetta-cartesian-ddg-usage"
description: "Rosetta cartesian_ddg의 사용법을 정리합니다."
This is the command line we used for preminimization:

$ROSETTABIN/relax.static.linuxgccrelease -s $pdb -use_input_sc \\
-ignore_unrecognized_res \\
-nstruct 20 \\
-relax:cartesian-score:weights ref2015_cart \\
-relax:min_type lbfgs_armijo_nonmonotone \\
-relax:script cart2.script \\
-fa_max_dis 9.0 # modify fa_atr and fa_sol behavior, really important for protein stability (default: 6). This flag needs to match what is used in the cartesian ddg options below.

with file "cart2.script":

repeat 2
ramp_repack_min 0.02  0.01     1.0  50
ramp_repack_min 0.250 0.01     0.5  50
ramp_repack_min 0.550 0.01     0.0 100
ramp_repack_min 1     0.00001  0.0 200
 -database $ROSETTADB
 -s [inputpdb]
 -ddg:mut_file [mutfile] # same syntax with what being used in ddg-monomer application.
 -ddg:iterations 3 # can be flexible; 3 is fast and reasonable
 -force_iterations false (default True) #If this flag is on the protocol will stop when the results converge on a score
 -ddg::score_cutoff 1.0 #If the lowest energy scores are within this cutoff the protocol will end early.
 -ddg::dump_pdbs false # you can save mutants pdb if you want
 -bbnbr 1 # bb dof, suggestion: i-1, i, i+1
 -fa_max_dis 9.0 # modify fa_atr and fa_sol behavior, really important for protein stability (default: 6)  
 -[scorefunction option]: any other options for score function containing cart_bonded term, for example, -beta_cart or 
 -score:weights talaris2014_cart]
 -ddg::legacy false #Using the latest version of the code

For ddg:mut_file format, please refer to here . Note that this file contains the mutations you want to introduce at once, which means, specifying more than one mutation in a single file will try to mutate all together at same time. Scanning over separate mutations (e.g. ALA scanning) will therefore require running this app separately using different mut_file as input.

ThermoNet 이 사용한 relax 코드

relax.static.linuxgccrelease \\
-in:file:s XXXXX.pdb \\
-relax:constrain_relax_to_start_coords \\
-out:suffix _relaxed \\
-out:no_nstruct_label \\
-relax:ramp_constraints false