Errors thrown from promises are handled by the second parameter (reject) passed to then or by the handler passed to catch:

  .then(null, error => { /* handle error here */ });
// or
  .catch(error => { /* handle error here */ });


If you have a promise chain then an error will cause resolve handlers to be skipped:

  .then(() => { /* never called */ })
  .catch(error => { /* handle error here */ });

The same applies to your then functions. If a resolve handler throws an exception then the next reject handler will be invoked:

  .then(result => { throwErrorSync(); })
  .then(() => { /* never called */ })
  .catch(error => { /* handle error from throwErrorSync() */ });

An error handler returns a new promise, allowing you to continue a promise chain. The promise returned by the error handler is resolved with the value returned by the handler:

  .catch(error => { /* handle error here */; return result; })
  .then(result => { /* handle result here */ });

You can let an error cascade down a promise chain by re-throwing the error:

  .catch(error => {
      /* handle error from throwErrorAsync() */
      throw error;
  .then(() => { /* will not be called if there's an error */ })
  .catch(error => { /* will get called with the same error */ });

It is possible to throw an exception that is not handled by the promise by wrapping the throw statement inside a setTimeout callback:

new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
  setTimeout(() => { throw new Error(); });

This works because promises cannot handle exceptions thrown asynchronously.

Unhandled rejections

An error will be silently ignored if a promise doesn’t have a catch block or reject handler:

  .then(() => { /* will not be called */ });
// error silently ignored

To prevent this, always use a catch block:

  .then(() => { /* will not be called */ })
  .catch(error => { /* handle error*/ });
// or
  .then(() => { /* will not be called */ }, error => { /* handle error*/ });

Alternatively, subscribe to the [unhandledrejection](<>) event to catch any unhandled rejected promises: