var array = [3, 2, 1]

Creating a new sorted array

As [Array](<>) conforms to [SequenceType](<>), we can generate a new array of the sorted elements using a built in sort method.

In Swift 2, this is done with the [sort()](<>) method.

let sorted = array.sort()  // [1, 2, 3]

As of Swift 3, it has been re-named to [sorted()](<>).

let sorted = array.sorted()  // [1, 2, 3]

Sorting an existing array in place

As Array conforms to [MutableCollectionType](<>), we can sort its elements in place.

In Swift 2, this is done using the [sortInPlace()](<>) method.

array.sortInPlace() // [1, 2, 3]

As of Swift 3, it has been renamed to [sort()](<>).

array.sort() // [1, 2, 3]

Note: In order to use the above methods, the elements must conform to the Comparable protocol.

Sorting an array with a custom ordering

You may also sort an array using a closure to define whether one element should be ordered before another – which isn’t restricted to arrays where the elements must be Comparable. For example, it doesn’t make sense for a Landmark to be Comparable – but you can still sort an array of landmarks by height or name.

struct Landmark {
    let name : String
    let metersTall : Int

var landmarks = [Landmark(name: "Empire State Building", metersTall: 443),
                 Landmark(name: "Eifell Tower", metersTall: 300),
                 Landmark(name: "The Shard", metersTall: 310)]
// sort landmarks by height (ascending)
landmarks.sortInPlace {$0.metersTall < $1.metersTall}

print(landmarks) // [Landmark(name: "Eifell Tower", metersTall: 300), Landmark(name: "The Shard", metersTall: 310), Landmark(name: "Empire State Building", metersTall: 443)]

// create new array of landmarks sorted by name
let alphabeticalLandmarks = landmarks.sort {$ < $}

print(alphabeticalLandmarks) // [Landmark(name: "Eifell Tower", metersTall: 300), Landmark(name: "Empire State Building", metersTall: 443), Landmark(name: "The Shard", metersTall: 310)]
// sort landmarks by height (ascending)
landmarks.sort {$0.metersTall < $1.metersTall}

// create new array of landmarks sorted by name
let alphabeticalLandmarks = landmarks.sorted {$ < $}

Note: String comparison can yield unexpected results if the strings are inconsistent, see Sorting an Array of Strings.