
This is the first LED cube I made and it is also one of the first few projects I’ve made. Throughout this project I’ve really enjoyed incorporating the cube’s ability to display multiple colours into the functions I’ve created. Additionally it has been inspiring to come back to the project and make improvements with new skills I’ve learned.

If this interests you I encourage you to consider making your own RGB cube I have provided the files involved in this project here: and this webpage provides some helpful insights for the building process.

Gif of cube

Gif of cube

Short video showcasing cube

Short video showcasing cube


Constructing the Cube

Code Snippet



Throughout each version I iterated through I was able to learn new things and demonstrate new skills that I have come to learn. While making the first version, as it was among the first projects I’ve made, it was excellent for becoming more familiar with programming, through creating different functions where I was able to choose how hard they would be to code. Along with that was the opportunity to be creative through thinking up patterns to program. I got more experience soldering with making the second version. Finally with the third version I got to experiment with designing a PCB and also focused much more on documentation, which led me to be more organized.