There are situations when we don’t want to rely upon Free Store for allocating memory and we want to use custom memory allocations using new.

For these situations we can use Placement New, where we can tell `new’ operator to allocate memory from a pre-allocated memory location

For example

int a4byteInteger;

char *a4byteChar = new (&a4byteInteger) char[4];

In this example, the memory pointed by a4byteChar is 4 byte allocated to ‘stack’ via integer variable a4byteInteger.

The benefit of this kind of memory allocation is the fact that programmers control the allocation. In the example above, since a4byteInteger is allocated on stack, we don’t need to make an explicit call to ’delete a4byteChar`.

Same behavior can be achieved for dynamic allocated memory also. For example

int *a8byteDynamicInteger = new int[2];

char *a8byteChar = new (a8byteDynamicInteger) char[8];

In this case, the memory pointer by a8byteChar will be referring to dynamic memory allocated by a8byteDynamicInteger. In this case however, we need to explicitly calldelete a8byteDynamicInteger to release the memory

Another example for C++ Class

struct ComplexType {
    int a;

    ComplexType() : a(0) {}
    ~ComplexType() {}

int main() {
    char* dynArray = new char[256];

    //Calls ComplexType's constructor to initialize memory as a ComplexType
    new((void*)dynArray) ComplexType();

    //Clean up memory once we're done
    delete[] dynArray;

    //Stack memory can also be used with placement new
    alignas(ComplexType) char localArray[256]; //alignas() available since C++11

    new((void*)localArray) ComplexType();

    //Only need to call the destructor for stack memory

    return 0;