This is a template is for tracking what the characters and GM know about all characters, locations, artifact, organizations, and events in a role-playing campaign. There is a sub-database below for each type of thing; each sub-database has a default view for the players (which limits what they can see) and an unrestricted view for the GM.
Using Notion to track this information has some advantages over dedicated campaign management tools. Most notably, entry and linking of information is very fast and multiple users can simultaneously edit pages, allowing players to record their impressions of NPCs in real-time as they play (for online games).
Each sub-database has its own description at the top of how it should be used. If you don't see it, click "Show Description".
- I recommend making a separate Notion database for each campaign (both separate from each other and your personal Notion workspace). Then invite your players as a guest to each sub-database page (Characters, Locations, etc.). As of June 2021, the free plan for Notion permits five guests, which is enough for most campaigns.
- When you open each sub-database, if a description is not visible, click the grey text which says "Show Description" at the top of the page.
- To add a link from any page (or text field) to another page, simply type
and search for the page in the box which pops up (the search can be a little slow). You can also use this technique to create new pages by typing a name and then selecting "New page in.....". In the resulting box you can search for the "Characters", "Locations", etc. parent page as appropriate. Although I had to put each sub-database as a child of a common page to share it as a template, I recommend moving each to be a top-level page in your workspace. This will allow you to select them directly as parents when creating new pages via @
without needing to search.
- To open a page from one of the database table views, hover over the "Name" column and click the "Open" button which appears.
- If a database column has an "arrow" icon in its name, it indicates it is meant to link to items in another database. To make such a link, you can simply type the name with needing the
- For sample content I have used the activities of the hobbits (Frodo Baggins, etc.), Gandalf , and the Ringwraiths (led by the Witch King ) from The Lord of the Rings from the departure of the hobbits from the Shire through their arrival at Rivendell . I am indebted to The Timeline of Arda.
- This template is inspired by an existing RPG campaign template by Randy Oest. Notable differences:
- It differs in supporting hidden GM-only information.
- It supports tracking in-world events and timelines.
- The cross-referencing of items is more extensive.
- you can contact with questions and suggestions.