The character limit must be judged on a case by case basis. What really matters is the semantical “density” and readability of the line. Making lines gratuitously long makes them hard to read; similarly, making “heroic attempts” to fit them into 80 columns can also make them hard to read. The flexibility outlined here aims to enable developers to avoid these extremes, not to maximize use of monitor real-estate.

// Ok even though it might exceed max line width when indented.
Error e = isTypeParam
        ? Errors.InvalidRepeatableAnnotationNotApplicable(targetContainerType, on)
        : Errors.InvalidRepeatableAnnotationNotApplicableInContext(targetContainerType));

// Wrapping preferable
String pretty = Stream.of(args)
                      .collectors(joining(", "));

// Too strict interpretation of max line width. Readability suffers.
Error e = isTypeParam
        ? Errors.InvalidRepeatableAnnotationNotApplicable(
                targetContainerType, on)
        : Errors.InvalidRepeatableAnnotationNotApplicableInContext(

// Should be wrapped even though it fits within the character limit
String pretty = Stream.of(args).map(Argument::prettyPrint).collectors(joining(", "));