// Java:
IntSummaryStatistics ageSummary =
           .collect(Collectors.summarizingInt(p -> p.age));

// IntSummaryStatistics{count=4, sum=76, min=12, average=19.000000, max=23}
// Kotlin:

// something to hold the stats...
data class SummaryStatisticsInt(var count: Int = 0,  
                                var sum: Int = 0, 
                                var min: Int = Int.MAX_VALUE, 
                                var max: Int = Int.MIN_VALUE, 
                                var avg: Double = 0.0) {
    fun accumulate(newInt: Int): SummaryStatisticsInt {
        sum += newInt
        min = min.coerceAtMost(newInt)
        max = max.coerceAtLeast(newInt)
        avg = sum.toDouble() / count
        return this

// Now manually doing a fold, since Stream.collect is really just a fold
val stats = persons.fold(SummaryStatisticsInt()) { stats, person -> stats.accumulate(person.age) }

// output: SummaryStatisticsInt(count=4, sum=76, min=12, max=23, avg=19.0)

But it is better to create an extension function, 2 actually to match styles in Kotlin stdlib:

// Kotlin:
inline fun Collection<Int>.summarizingInt(): SummaryStatisticsInt
        = this.fold(SummaryStatisticsInt()) { stats, num -> stats.accumulate(num) }

inline fun <T: Any> Collection<T>.summarizingInt(transform: (T)->Int): SummaryStatisticsInt =
        this.fold(SummaryStatisticsInt()) { stats, item -> stats.accumulate(transform(item)) }

Now you have two ways to use the new summarizingInt functions:

val stats2 = persons.map { it.age }.summarizingInt()

// or

val stats3 = persons.summarizingInt { it.age }

And all of these produce the same results. We can also create this extension to work on Sequence and for appropriate primitive types.