Object.seal prevents the addition or removal of properties from an object. Once an object has been sealed its property descriptors can’t be converted to another type. Unlike [Object.freeze](<http://stackoverflow.com/documentation/javascript/188/objects/2356/object-freeze>) it does allow properties to be edited.

Attempts to do this operations on a sealed object will fail silently

var obj = { foo: 'foo', bar: function () { return 'bar'; } };


obj.newFoo = 'newFoo';
obj.bar = function () { return 'foo' };

obj.newFoo; // undefined
obj.bar(); // 'foo'

// Can't make foo an accessor property
Object.defineProperty(obj, 'foo', { 
    get: function () { return 'newFoo'; }
}); // TypeError

// But you can make it read only
Object.defineProperty(obj, 'foo', { 
    writable: false
}); // TypeError

obj.foo = 'newFoo';
obj.foo; // 'foo';

In strict mode these operations will throw a TypeError

(function () {
    'use strict';

    var obj = { foo: 'foo' };


    obj.newFoo = 'newFoo'; // TypeError