This is an example of an implementation of the identity monad in JavaScript, and could serve as a starting point to create other monads.

Based on the conference by Douglas Crockford on monads and gonads

Using this approach reusing your functions will be easier because of the flexibility this monad provides, and composition nightmares:

f(g(h(i(j(k(value), j1), i2), h1, h2), g1, g2), f1, f2)

readable, nice and clean:

    .bind(j, j1, j2)
    .bind(i, i2)
    .bind(h, h1, h2)
    .bind(g, g1, g2)
    .bind(f, f1, f2);
function identityMonad(value) {
  var monad = Object.create(null);
  // func should return a monad
  monad.bind = function (func, ...args) {
      return func(value, ...args);

  // whatever func does, we get our monad back = function (func, ...args) {
      func(value, ...args);

      return identityMonad(value);
  // func doesn't have to know anything about monads
  monad.apply = function (func, ...args) {
      return identityMonad(func(value, ...args));

  // Get the value wrapped in this monad
  monad.value = function () {
      return value;
  return monad;

It works with primitive values

var value = 'foo',
    f = x => x + ' changed',
    g = x => x + ' again';

    .bind(alert); // Alerts 'foo changed again'

And also with objects

var value = { foo: 'foo' },
    f = x => identityMonad(Object.assign(x, { foo: 'bar' })),
    g = x => Object.assign(x, { bar: 'foo' }),
    h = x => console.log('foo: ' + + ', bar: ' +;

    .bind(h); // Logs 'foo: bar, bar: foo'

Let's try everything:

var add = (x, ...args) => x + args.reduce((r, n) => r + n, 0),
    multiply = (x, ...args) => x * args.reduce((r, n) => r * n, 1),
    divideMonad = (x, ...args) => identityMonad(x / multiply(...args)),
    log = x => console.log(x),
    substract = (x, ...args) => x - add(...args);

    .apply(add, 10, 29, 13)
    .apply(multiply, 2)
    .bind(divideMonad, 2)
    .apply(substract, 67, 34)
    .apply(multiply, 1239)
    .bind(divideMonad, 20, 54, 2)
    .call(log); // Logs 29