If the source collection is of a type that is not immutable, elements accessed through a ReadOnlyCollection can be modified.

public class Item
    public string Name { get; set; }
    public decimal Price { get; set; }

public static void FillOrder()
    // An order is generated
    var order = new List<Item>
        new Item { Name = "Apple", Price = 0.50m },
        new Item { Name = "Banana", Price = 0.75m },
        new Item { Name = "Vitamins", Price = 5.50m }

    // The current sub total is $6.75
    var subTotal = order.Sum(item => item.Price);

    // Let the customer preview their order
    var customerPreview = new ReadOnlyCollection<Item>(order);

    // The customer can't add or remove items, but they can change 
    //   the price of an item, even though it is a ReadOnlyCollection
    customerPreview.Last().Price = 0.25m;

    // The sub total is now only $1.50!
    subTotal = order.Sum(item => item.Price);

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