This class is called Greeter. Its responsibility is to output a greeting. It has two dependencies. It needs something that will give it the greeting to output, and then it needs a way to output that greeting. Those dependencies are both described as interfaces, IGreetingProvider and IGreetingWriter. In this example, those two dependencies are “injected” into Greeter. (Further explanation following the example.)

public class Greeter
    private readonly IGreetingProvider _greetingProvider;
    private readonly IGreetingWriter _greetingWriter;

    public Greeter(IGreetingProvider greetingProvider, IGreetingWriter greetingWriter)
        _greetingProvider = greetingProvider;
        _greetingWriter = greetingWriter;

    public void Greet()
        var greeting = _greetingProvider.GetGreeting();
public interface IGreetingProvider
    string GetGreeting();

public interface IGreetingWriter
    void WriteGreeting(string greeting);

The Greeting class depends on both IGreetingProvider and IGreetingWriter, but it is not responsible for creating instances of either. Instead it requires them in its constructor. Whatever creates an instance of Greeting must provide those two dependencies. We can call that “injecting” the dependencies.

Because dependencies are provided to the class in its constructor, this is also called “constructor injection.”

A few common conventions: