One of the more useful things about const correctness is that it serves as a way of documenting code, providing certain guarantees to the programmer and other users. These guarantees are enforced by the compiler due to constness, with a lack of constness in turn indicating that code doesn’t provide them.

const CV-Qualified Member Functions:

This can be used to make assumptions about the state of the object after any given member function is called, even without seeing the definition of that function:

// ConstMemberFunctions.h

class ConstMemberFunctions {
    int val;
    mutable int cache;
    mutable bool state_changed;

    // Constructor clearly changes logical state.  No assumptions necessary.
    ConstMemberFunctions(int v = 0);

    // We can assume this function doesn't change logical state, and doesn't call
    //  set_val().  It may or may not call squared_calc() or bad_func().
    int calc() const;

    // We can assume this function doesn't change logical state, and doesn't call
    //  set_val().  It may or may not call calc() or bad_func().
    int squared_calc() const;

    // We can assume this function doesn't change logical state, and doesn't call
    //  set_val().  It may or may not call calc() or squared_calc().
    void bad_func() const;

    // We can assume this function changes logical state, and may or may not call
    //  calc(), squared_calc(), or bad_func().
    void set_val(int v);

Due to const rules, these assumptions will in fact be enforced by the compiler.

// ConstMemberFunctions.cpp

ConstMemberFunctions::ConstMemberFunctions(int v /* = 0*/)
  : cache(0), val(v), state_changed(true) {}

// Our assumption was correct.
int ConstMemberFunctions::calc() const {
    if (state_changed) {
        cache = 3 * val;
        state_changed = false;

    return cache;

// Our assumption was correct.
int ConstMemberFunctions::squared_calc() const {
    return calc() * calc();

// Our assumption was incorrect.
// Function fails to compile, due to `this` losing qualifiers.
void ConstMemberFunctions::bad_func() const {

// Our assumption was correct.
void ConstMemberFunctions::set_val(int v) {
    if (v != val) {
        val = v;
        state_changed = true;

const Function Parameters:

This can be used to make assumptions about the state of the parameters after being passed to any given function, even without seeing the definition of that function.