$Id: 91

$SOId: 4001

In Go, an interface is just a set of methods. We use an interface to specify a behavior of a given object.

type Painter interface {

The implementing type need not declare that it is implementing the interface. It is enough to define methods of the same signature.

type Rembrandt struct{}

func (r Rembrandt) Paint() {
    // use a lot of canvas here

Now we can use the structure as an interface.

var p Painter
p = Rembrandt{}

An interface can be satisfied (or implemented) by an arbitrary number of types. Also a type can implement an arbitrary number of interfaces.

type Singer interface {

type Writer interface {

type Human struct{}

func (h *Human) Sing() {

func (h *Human) Write() {

type OnlySinger struct{}
func (o *OnlySinger) Sing() {

Here, The Human struct satisfy both the Singer and Writer interface, but the OnlySinger struct only satisfy Singer interface.

Empty Interface

There is an empty interface type, that contains no methods. We declare it as interface{}. This contains no methods so every type satisfies it. Hence empty interface can contain any type value.

var a interface{}
var i int = 5
s := "Hello world"

type StructType struct {
    i, j int
    k string

// all are valid statements
a = i
a = s
a = &StructType{1, 2, "hello"}

The most common use case for interfaces is to ensure that a variable supports one or more behaviours. By contrast, the primary use case for the empty interface is to define a variable which can hold any value, regardless of its concrete type.

To get these values back as their original types we just need to do

i = a.(int)
s = a.(string)
m := a.(*StructType)
