If constraints for std::promise and std::future are not met an exception of type std::future_error is thrown.

The error code member in the exception is of type std::future_errc and values are as below, along with some test cases:

enum class future_errc {
    broken_promise             = /* the task is no longer shared */,
    future_already_retrieved   = /* the answer was already retrieved */,
    promise_already_satisfied  = /* the answer was stored already */,
    no_state                   = /* access to a promise in non-shared state */

Inactive promise:

int test()
    std::promise<int> pr;
    return 0; // returns ok

Active promise, unused:

int test()
      std::promise<int> pr;
      auto fut = pr.get_future(); //blocks indefinitely!
      return 0; 

Double retrieval:

int test()
    std::promise<int> pr;
    auto fut1 = pr.get_future();

        auto fut2 = pr.get_future();    //   second attempt to get future
        return 0;
    catch(const std::future_error& e)
        cout << e.what() << endl;       //   Error: "The future has already been retrieved from the promise or packaged_task."
        return -1;
    return fut2.get();

Setting std::promise value twice:

int test()
    std::promise<int> pr;
    auto fut = pr.get_future();
        std::promise<int> pr2(std::move(pr));
        pr2.set_value(10);  // second attempt to set promise throws exception
    catch(const std::future_error& e)
        cout << e.what() << endl;       //   Error: "The state of the promise has already been set."
        return -1;
    return fut.get();