
[{“Name”:“3.0”,“GroupName”:”.NET”},{“Name”:“3.5”,“GroupName”:”.NET”},{“Name”:“3.5 SP1”,“GroupName”:”.NET”},{“Name”:“4.0”,“GroupName”:”.NET”},{“Name”:“4.5”,“GroupName”:”.NET”},{“Name”:“4.5.1”,“GroupName”:”.NET”},{“Name”:“4.5.2”,“GroupName”:”.NET”},{“Name”:“4.6”,“GroupName”:”.NET”},{“Name”:“4.6.1”,“GroupName”:”.NET”},{“Name”:“4.6.2”,“GroupName”:”.NET”}]



LoadGrammar: Parameters | Details |

——— | —–– |

grammar | The grammar to load. For example, a DictationGrammar object to allow free text dictation. |RecognizeAsync: Parameters | Details | mode | The RecognizeMode for the current recognition: Single for just one recognition, Multiple to allow multiple.GrammarBuilder.Append: Parameters | Details | choices | Appends some choices to the grammar builder. This means that, when the user inputs speech, the recognizer can follow different “branches” from a grammar. |Choices constructor: Parameters | Details | choices | An array of choices for the grammar builder. See GrammarBuilder.Append. |Grammar constructor: Parameter | Details | builder | The GrammarBuilder to construct a Grammar from.


To use SpeechRecognitionEngine, your Windows version needs to have speech recognition enabled.

You have to add a reference to System.Speech.dll before you can use the speech classes.