The ** operator works similarly to the \\* operator but it applies to keyword parameters.

def options(required_key:, optional_key: nil, **other_options)

options(required_key: 'Done!', foo: 'Foo!', bar: 'Bar!')
#> { :foo => "Foo!", :bar => "Bar!" }

In the above example, if the **other_options is not used, an ArgumentError: unknown keyword: foo, bar error would be raised.

def without_double_splat(required_key:, optional_key: nil)
  # do nothing

without_double_splat(required_key: 'Done!', foo: 'Foo!', bar: 'Bar!')
#> ArgumentError: unknown keywords: foo, bar

This is handy when you have a hash of options that you want to pass to a method and you do not want to filter the keys.

def options(required_key:, optional_key: nil, **other_options)

my_hash = { required_key: true, foo: 'Foo!', bar: 'Bar!' }

#> { :foo => "Foo!", :bar => "Bar!" }

It is also possible to unpack a hash using the ** operator. This allows you to supply keyword directly to a method in addition to values from other hashes:

my_hash = { foo: 'Foo!', bar: 'Bar!' }

options(required_key: true, **my_hash)
#> { :foo => "Foo!", :bar => "Bar!" }