Exponentiation makes the second operand the power of the first operand (ab).

var a = 2,
    b = 3,
    c = Math.pow(a, b);

c will now be 8

Stage 3 ES2016 (ECMAScript 7) Proposal:

let a = 2,
    b = 3,
    c = a ** b;

c will now be 8

Use Math.pow to find the nth root of a number.

Finding the nth roots is the inverse of raising to the nth power. For example 2 to the power of 5 is 32. The 5th root of 32 is 2.

Math.pow(v, 1 / n); // where v is any positive real number 
                    // and n is any positive integer

var a = 16;
var b = Math.pow(a, 1 / 2);  // return the square root of 16 = 4
var c = Math.pow(a, 1 / 3);  // return the cubed root of 16 = 2.5198420997897464
var d = Math.pow(a, 1 / 4);  // return the 4th root of 16 = 2