There is also the ability to evaluate expressions when naming methods similar to how you can access an objects’ properties with []. This can be useful for having dynamic property names, however is often used in conjunction with Symbols.

let METADATA = Symbol('metadata');

class Car {
  constructor(make, model) {
    this.make = make;
    this.model = model;
  // example using symbols
  [METADATA]() {
    return {
      make: this.make,
      model: this.model

  // you can also use any javascript expression

  // this one is just a string, and could also be defined with simply add()
  ["add"](a, b) {
    return a + b;

  // this one is dynamically evaluated
  [1 + 2]() {
    return "three";

let MazdaMPV = new Car("Mazda", "MPV");
MazdaMPV.add(4, 5); // 9
MazdaMPV[3](); // "three"
MazdaMPV[METADATA](); // { make: "Mazda", model: "MPV" }