We aim to complete the amateur esports ecosystem by connecting all the game communities in the world.

#esports #gaming #SaaS #startups

Language: 🇰🇷한국어

We believe that esports is not just about rigorous and huge competition like the LoL World Championship and that it shouldn't solely be enjoyed by the top-tiered professional players. We believe that competing, cooperating, and enjoying the game itself is the essence of esports that any gamers can participate in.

Our passionate Undefined crew is creating iScrim, a service that allows anyone to easily build an esports platform and host various competitions. (If you wish to find out more about Undefined’s history, please click the following link: ‣)

Introducing iScrim


iScrim is an online platform builder for esports event organizers.

We believe that any gamers with a passion for managing competitions can become an organizer. However, until now, it took a long time and investment to become an organizer as the method of running amateur esports events has been filled with inefficiencies and a lot of hands-on operations.

iScrim aims to lower these barriers to entry for organizers, thereby creating more competitions and activities in each of the organizers' esports platform.

Introducing the Undefined crew

Product Team



CEO, Founder

âťťCarve your name on hearts, not on marble. -Charles Spurgeon

#World's first Starcraft Reaver drop



3D Modeling Designer

âťťWider and deeper

#Bird eye view



3D Modeling Designer

âťť Actions speaks louder than words

#Happiness #Wealth and Honor

Business Development Team




âťťDo what scares you until it doesn't

#bravo six going dark #gemini