Class constants provide a mechanism for holding fixed values in a program. That is, they provide a way of giving a name (and associated compile-time checking) to a value like 3.14 or "Apple". Class constants can only be defined with the const keyword - the define function cannot be used in this context.

As an example, it may be convenient to have a shorthand representation for the value of π throughout a program. A class with const values provides a simple way to hold such values.

class MathValues {
    const PI = M_PI;
    const PHI = 1.61803;

$area = MathValues::PI * $radius * $radius;

Class constants may be accessed by using the double colon operator (so-called the scope resolution operator) on a class, much like static variables. Unlike static variables, however, class constants have their values fixed at compile time and cannot be reassigned to (e.g. MathValues::PI = 7 would produce a fatal error).

Class constants are also useful for defining things internal to a class that might need changing later (but do not change frequently enough to warrant storing in, say, a database). We can reference this internally using the self scope resolutor (which works in both instanced and static implementations)

class Labor {
    /** How long, in hours, does it take to build the item? */
    const LABOR_UNITS = 0.26;
    /** How much are we paying employees per hour? */
    const LABOR_COST = 12.75;

    public function getLaborCost($number_units) {
         return (self::LABOR_UNITS * self::LABOR_COST) * $number_units;

Class constants can only contain scalar values in versions < 5.6

As of PHP 5.6 we can use expressions with constants, meaning math statements and strings with concatenation are acceptable constants

class Labor {
    /** How much are we paying employees per hour? Hourly wages * hours taken to make */
    const LABOR_COSTS = 12.75 * 0.26;

    public function getLaborCost($number_units) {
         return self::LABOR_COSTS * $number_units;

As of PHP 7.0, constants declared with define may now contain arrays.

define("BAZ", array('baz'));

Class constants are useful for more than just storing mathematical concepts. For example, if preparing a pie, it might be convenient to have a single Pie class capable of taking different kinds of fruit.

class Pie {
    protected $fruit;

    public function __construct($fruit) {
        $this->fruit = $fruit;

We can then use the Pie class like so

$pie = new Pie("strawberry");

The problem that arises here is, when instantiating the Pie class, no guidance is provided as to the acceptable values. For example, when making a “boysenberry” pie, it might be misspelled “boisenberry”. Furthermore, we might not support a plum pie. Instead, it would be useful to have a list of acceptable fruit types already defined somewhere it would make sense to look for them. Say a class named Fruit:

class Fruit {
    const APPLE = "apple";
    const STRAWBERRY = "strawberry";
    const BOYSENBERRY = "boysenberry";

$pie = new Pie(Fruit::STRAWBERRY);

Listing the acceptable values as class constants provides a valuable hint as to the acceptable values which a method accepts. It also ensures that misspellings cannot make it past the compiler. While new Pie('aple') and new Pie('apple') are both acceptable to the compiler, new Pie(Fruit::APLE) will produce a compiler error.

Finally, using class constants means that the actual value of the constant may be modified in a single place, and any code using the constant automatically has the effects of the modification.

Whilst the most common method to access a class constant is MyClass::CONSTANT_NAME, it may also be accessed by: