Top 10 Kanban Templates for Mechanical Engineers

Kanban is a vital tool for Mechanical Engineers looking to streamline their project workflow and enhance productivity. It allows for efficient tracking of projects, from conception to completion, and facilitates better collaboration among team members. A Kanban template can simplify this process, providing a structured yet flexible framework to manage various tasks and deadlines effectively.

Before diving into creating your own Kanban system, take a moment to explore these Kanban Notion templates. They are designed to make the process more accessible and can be a great starting point for organizing your projects.

1Captain Sinbad’s Film Production Kanban

Take your short film from concept to final cut with Captain Sinbad's Film Production Kanban template. Ideal for budding filmmakers, this template organizes your scenes by location for efficient shooting and walks you through pre-production planning to post-production edits. Whether you're deciding on casting or finalizing your props list, every aspect of your production is simplified. Add this template to your Notion workspace and bring your filmmaking vision to life.

Eine Vorlagenvorschau für Captain Sinbad’s Film Production Kanban

2Project Hub

This template works both for individuals and teams!

It benefits them with CRM functionality to define project vision, write non/functional documentation, collect ideas, build a project knowledge base, manage/plan their project, and much more!

Eine Vorlagenvorschau für Project Hub

3Sales Tracker

Keep track of all your sales and customers from Gumroad, Shopify, LemonSqueezy and Stripe in one simple database.

Eine Vorlagenvorschau für Sales Tracker

4Projekte & Aufgaben

Verfolge Projekte aller Art und Größe und für jede Art von Team. Lasse sie dir als Timeline, Kanban-Board oder Kalender anzeigen - was auch immer für dich am besten passt. Schreibe dann Planungsdokumente, bette Designs ein und organisiere Meeting-Notizen am selben Ort.

Eine Vorlagenvorschau für Projekte & Aufgaben

5Notion’s tasks

Use this tasks database to capture your engineering and product teams’ day-to-day work. At Notion, we organize all our work by projects and tasks, then link each task to its relevant project and team. That way, you can filter tasks by a specific project.

This template is part of a larger — read more about how we use it in .

Eine Vorlagenvorschau für Notion’s tasks

6Agile Project Management

Agile project management was born in 2000, and has been powering and guiding engineering, product, and more teams ever since. Agile management focuses on splitting project into incremental iterations or sections. This template allows you to view projects, that are divided into smaller tasks, and that correspond to sprints that you can visualize beautifully in a sprint timeline. Embrace agile to increase productivity, start with this template.

Eine Vorlagenvorschau für Agile Project Management


Behalte mit dieser Vorlage Entwicklungsprojekte aller Art und Größe im Blick. Teams, die die “Agile”-Methode nutzen, können jedes Projekt in Aufgaben unterteilen, Arbeitsrückstände priorisieren und Aufgaben in Sprints organisieren. Filtere nach Status, Priorität und Team, um dir deine Arbeit so anzeigen zu lassen, wie es dir am besten gefällt. Verbinde außerdem deine anderen Tools wie Github, Figma, Slack und mehr, um wirklich all deine Arbeit an einem Ort zu versammeln.

Eine Vorlagenvorschau für Problem-Tracker

8Issue Tracker

This Notion template helps you keep track of bugs and feature requests within your company. Connect to an online form or manually add feedback so your team can action the items. This issue-tracking report template is designed to standardize your project team’s issue-reporting process, ensuring consistent information and solutions.

Eine Vorlagenvorschau für Issue Tracker

9Task Manager

Assisting you in your journey when it comes to your tasks and projects, where you can monitor and track your progress easily and effortlessly, providing a centralized hub for productivity. Stay on top of deadlines, set priorities with ease, and achieve optimal project management efficiency.

Elevating yet simplifying your workflow, helping you to embrace organization, and stay in control!

Eine Vorlagenvorschau für Task Manager
