Project specifications
Capstone projects are solo projects at the end of the each of the Microverse Main Technical Curriculum sections. Building this project is very important for you because:
- It's a real-world-like project, built with business specifications that will look really nice in your portfolio; and
- You will get feedback about the achievement of technical and soft skills gained during this section of the program.
The project you are going to build for the Ruby on Rails capstone is based on a redesign of Twitter. You should follow the given design of the website, but you must personalize the content, i.e., it can be an app to share opinions about books, wedding business, fishing equipment, mushrooms - anything that you can share opinions about with people who follow you. Feel free to add your own app name and logo!


Whatever the theme you may choose, you should follow a user journey to build the following MVP version of the app:
- The user logs in to the app, only by typing the username (a proper authenticated login is not a requirement).
- The user is presented with the homepage (see the Homepage screenshot above) that includes:
- Left-side menu (includes only links to pages that are implemented).
- Tweets tab in the centre (skip Photos and Videos for this MVP).
- Right-side section with *Who to follow (*skip Trending for this MVP).
- The Tweets section includes:
- Simple form for creating a tweet.
- List of all tweets (sorted by most recent) that display tweet text and author details.
- The Who to follow section includes:
- List of profiles that are not followed by the logged-in user (ordered by most recently added).
- When the user opens the profile page (see the Userpage screenshot above), they can see:
- Left-side menu (includes only links to pages that are implemented).
- Cover picture and Tweets tab in the centre (skip other tabs and Tweet to user form).
- Right-side section with Profile detailed info.
- The Profile detailed info section includes:
- User photo.
- Button to follow a user.
- Stats: total number of tweets, number of followers and number of following users.
- List of people who follow this user.